Monday, April 27, 2009

Mexican Flu Update

(Photo: 1918 flu poster, Idaho Observer, October 2005)

US:Colorado -- Ouray County possible case
Canada -- Eight cases nationwide
US:California -- 12 samples being tested in Santa Clara County
Australia -- Two suspected cases in Tasmania
US:South Dakota -- Two suspected cases both negative
Costa Rica -- Seven new suspected cases, totaling 21 suspected. Sixteen cases dismissed
US:Arkansas -- Health officials believe flu already spread across state
US -- Santa Cruz one suspected case, family member tested
Belgium -- Six suspected cases test negative
Australia -- Queensland activates pandemic plan
US:New Jersey -- Five possible cases
US:North Carolina -- unspecified number of suspected cases "involuntarily isolate[d]"
US:Idaho -- Four residents with ILI tested
US:Texas -- Dallas County confirms two new cases. State total is six
Switzerland -- Five suspected cases
South Korea -- One suspected case
Brazil -- Three suspected cases in Belo Horizonte
Netherlands -- "Rules out" any suspected cases
Singapore -- Two suspected cases test negative
New Zealand -- 56 suspected cases nationwide
Mexico -- 30 suspected cases in Jalisco
US:Texas -- School closure in Rio Grande City

WHO raised the pandemic alert level (phase) to 4
Swine flu factsheet from The Age
Swine flu cases and precautions around the world