He Wasn't Famous, He Wasn't Rich
He was a good man the name of Brad Turner, he lived in Arkansas. We met on the web. We had many lively exchanges at the Dark Wraith Forums, Badtux The Snarky Penguin, and we were co-bloggers at Big Brass Blog.
We were also friends. We spent a long time talking on the phone over the last five years. We talked about nothing, and about everything. We planned a few meetings that never happened. We talked about our love of the desert southwest, relishing the places we had in common. We talked about war, politics, health care, sewage treatment, history, and love.
He died broke, in massive debt from medical bills he could have never afforded to pay. That's not the measure of a human being though.
Goodnight my friend, Goszhde A'ago'ashe (blackdog, his nom-de-net). You will be missed, and remembered. Fires will be lit tonight, prayers will be said.
A kind, and gentle warrior has gone home.
Y'atta'alliikesh shanandahhii shicha'an, ninihalli'yah.
(the singing snake loves you, he will always love you)

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A Friend Has Died
The Minstrel Boy 10:26 AM
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