Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Part 5: Emergency Inaugural Fundraising Request

Your donations have been pouring in. A few $100 and $50 donations, and the rest in smaller amounts.

Ya'll are amazing, wonderful, terrific people.

We still have a ways to go. We're 60% there. Need to get the rest of the way TODAY...before my plane leaves tonight.

Please help fund GNB's coverage for our inaugural trip right now.

We have media credentials for the inauguration. Our first coverage is from the Lincoln Memorial for the big "We Are One" opening concert Sunday night on HBO.

Please help send Jesse and LM to the inaugural. Donate now: $100, $75, $50, $25.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Update: 1:00 PM PT


Money is trickling in this morning. Little bit here, little bit there.

Decision time...

We're going.

Don't have enough money yet. Still, we're going.

What with the donations so far, and my trust in y'all, I believe if we can keep up the fundraising today through tonight, and tomorrow, we'll break the $1,000 mark.

Then if the folks who promised (or suggested they would donate if they only had a few more days) go ahead and throw in the kitty over the weekend, it won't be so bloody tight.

I'd intended to have $1400 saved. Well, more actually. But what with this and that and the holidays, it became $1400. And then the car. Now we're locked in to the bare minimums.

So I'm getting on a plane without enough money, trusting by the time I get there and pick up LM to head for D.C., y'all will come through. It's called jumping off a cliff and learning to fly. *smiles*

Talk to y'all from New York City tomorrow.

Please keep the donations coming: $100, $75, $50, $25.

Thank you.