Friday, March 7, 2008

McSame As Bush

The blog D-Day reports on Bush's endorsement of John W. McCain. I imagine McCain was wondering the entire time if there was some way he could get un-endorsed. His life really sucks. And I don't mean, just having to stick his nose into George W.'s pit and take a big wiff while the camera's whir and click.

(Some of us DFH's are intentionally calling St. John, John W., to draw attention to how similar the volatile lad is to George W.

Yes, we know his actual middle name is Sidney. Not as much fun. *grins*)


This Bush/McCain press availability is hilarious. The press keeps asking over and over again "Mr. President, is this the worst endorsement that John McCain would ever want" and he got his back up and now he's practically shouting back at the press corps. McCain tried to talk and Bush cut him off. The press pissed him off and now he's yipping like a stray dog. McCain kept saying "I'll appear at events when it fits with the President's heavy schedule," and I'm sure that schedule will suddenly fill up. This was awful.

Brian Williams and Tweety Matthews tried to put the best spin on this, calling McCain a "warrior" and saying how committed he is to his country (not like those softie DemocRATs). But you can't really put a spin on this display.

Bush was all about pulling McCain under his wing, saying that "there's not going to be any change in Iraq and in fighting terror" if McCain comes to power. I'll go a step further, there wouldn't be ANY change. McCain wants to revive the "Just Say No" campaign and continue the Drug War. He's just as just as anti-science as Bush, blaming vaccinations on the rise of autism in the face of all available evidence. His economic policy includes more tax cuts and privatization of Social Security, which is at odds with his own website that's trying to hide the similiarities. His healthcare "plan" won't cover anybody and would amount a big tax increase on employers. He leads a privileged life thanks to his heiress wife and uses his charitable donations to benefit friends and family. And his campaign is suffused with lobbyists (always has been) and would continue corporate control of government.

McCain's negatives HAVE to be goosed. He's an unprincipled politician with a long Senate record full of inconsistencies. That has to become the conventional wisdom in the populace, if not in the media.

This independent expenditure campaign is brilliant and they're putting a million dollars into it.

This break in your regularly scheduled Clinton-Obama Celebrity Deathmatch, has been brought to you courtesy of me, "Doc" Wendel, reminding you the actual battle is against John "McSame" McCain and the Republicans.

Hey look... an uncommitted Super-delegate!

Ah. I was only kidding.

It's Friday. Leave work early and have some fun.