Monday, September 17, 2007

Now With Real Glistening Vibrafoam

More GNB

It's a new week, we're in a good mood, and to celebrate, we're giving you absolutely free of charge, 12% wider pages than yesterday!

This is the first change to our layout since we opened July 1.

Here were our first posts:
We're happy with how things are shaping up. A solid group of you read GNB regularly (about 25,000 a month) and the numbers keep growing. And no, not just because we posted about Vanessa Hudgens naked. (Although it didn't hurt.)

(Seriously, while the traffic spike (an additional 50 thousand) was, um, like totally awesome, we don't count those numbers in what I'm talking about here. Unless one of y'all is going to arrange for some cute star or starlet to be in a nude photo scandal once a month just to make GNB's numbers look good. Really...we could work something out.)

Other changes coming...

We've been working on adding a "There's more..." so you don't have to scroll through the posts you (gasp!) don't want to read. Probably still a month out. It's a thing.

Also two or so months out is a Search function. We're waiting for a special piece of hardware to arrive in GNB's Tokyo datacenter. Once it's here, no more "well, I think it was in August and LM wrote it. It was really good, I wish I could send it to you." Yeah, we feel your pain. Every day when we try and link something from the past in new posts.

We're redesigning the Labels feature to make them more useful in searching by catagories. Instead of the 50-60 labels we currently have with more being added ad hoc almost daily, we're coming up with 20-25 labels which will let us serve multiple stories for years to come. For example, instead of "Biking", "TDF" and "Soccer", we'll just have "Sports."

Donations. Some of you have asked about donations. Thank you. But not yet. Let us get you totally, completely, utterly hooked first. Then we'll start hitting you up. Doncha know... the first one's always free. Same with advertising. It isn't time yet; we've still some growing to do.

In the meanwhile, if you want to help GNB, here are two actions you could take now:

a) Send posts you like to people you like. Let people know we're worth reading.

Nothing beats word of mouth from people you trust. We're not saying spam people. Do that and we'll kick your ass. But if there's something great you dig? Spread the love. Especially to people who have blogs. We love us the blog love.

b) Got a hot tip, a good story, something you think is GNB's style? Don't hesitate to let us know.

Our Contact information is at the bottom of every page. We love hearing from you. No kidding, many of our best stories come from the hot scoop from readers like you. Give us the word. Your letters help tell us to what you think we should be paying attention.

We're working to make the Group News Blog... well, home.

Hope you like the extra space.